Cagla Sikel measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe, and bra size
Find out Cagla Sikel's worth by looking at his height, age and bio. Also, discover what the salary is, as well as his birthday, salary and wiki, among others! We will provide information about Cagla's spouse, kids parents, and much more in this report. Learn the height of your celebrity idol is and what Cagla Sikel's worth. Cagla is a famous actress. She is born in Turkey, on January 2nd 1979. Cagla Sikel is worth $5 million as of 1st June 2023. She is Miss Turkey in 1997 and participated in Miss World that same year. She was also a Miss Europe competitor. Cagla was a top performer on the most famous list of actresses on TV. Additionally, she was ranked on the list of most famous TV Actress born in Turkey. Her birthday is observed every year on January 2. Cagla Sikel was crowned Miss Turkey 1997, and participated for Miss World that year. Additionally, she competed in the Miss Europe Pageant. The winner was named Miss Turkey 1997, and competed for Miss World that year. Sh...